
Friday, 28 May 2021

Smart relationships

 Kia ora bloggers, This week we have been learning about “Smart relationships”. We have been learning about this because sometimes people play online games or talk to people that they don’t know, and they tell the people their name or some private information about them self or their family. The teachers gave us a video to watch for a demo. Here is the video if you want to watch it: link.  After we watched the video we all made a DLO to show how to be safe online:Link to my DLO. I hope you enjoy reading my DLO I hope you learnt something new about talking to strangers online.

Have you ever learnt something like this before?

Friday, 21 May 2021

P.E Skill training.

 Kia ora bloggers, This week Monday my Class did P.E. The activities we are going to do were Soccer, netball, Touch, and Skill games. We always do P.E on Mondays and Thursday, but the activity that I want to do is Touch because It can help me get better at touch. The hardest thing for me in soccer was to get the ball off my friends because they played more than me. The  easiest thing for me was to listen to my teacher because if we didn’t listen we had a time out from the game. The thing that I need to improve on is getting the ball off my friends and playing smarter. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post.

Have you started P.E Rotations?

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Fun Reading Test

 Kia ora bloggers. Today we did a reading test and the first thing that we did was get a piece of paper off the teacher and get a pencil. Then we had to read the first instruction, the first instruction said - Read everything  carefully before you do anything.  This was very fun, plus we all learnt something about yourself. The hardest thing for me was to listen to the first instruction, because it told me what to do but I didn’t listen to the instruction. We all learnt that we couldn’t follow the directions to be successful. The easiest thing for me was to read the instructions, but I completed all the instructions going down the list. Then the teacher called us to come down on the matt and read all the instructions, but the last instruction was - now that you have finished reading everything carefully, only do sentences one and two! Then draw quietly on the back of this paper while you wait for everyone else to finish. This was really fun because we all had a laugh at the end. Blog you later.

Have you teachers ever done this to you?

Monday, 10 May 2021

Creative technology

 Kia ora bloggers, yesterday we made Wakas with Mr E. I was really excited because I hadn’t seen Mr E in a very long time. Once Mr E let us go in his class he told us all the rules and safety hazards, we had to use safety Glasses and Gloves to protect your hands, and eyes. We also had to do woodworks and the most challenging thing for me was to remember all the instructions that Mr E gave us because I would forget everything he told us what to do. The easiest part for me was drawing on the piece of wood because I am good at drawing. This was really fun but next time I need to improve my listening skills and try to remember more instructions next time. I hope you enjoyed reading this post, blog you later

Have you ever made a Waka in technology?

Have you ever been to technology?